Friday, March 11, 2011

The Last Night

I don't feel like I've been here very long, and I guess in the grand scheme of things a week isn't that long.  But I do feel like I've gotten a good amount of work done, I got to see dear friends I hadn't seen in a year, and as is the standard of success of a trip for me, I'm coming home with more books than I left with.

I bought two volumes of Don José Luis's catalogue today before I left the ADP.  We got one of the other people working in the archive, Maria Rosario, to take some pictures of us:

Me with Don José Luis sitting in his office.
Me with Don José Luis in the Archive.
After leaving the ADP, I met Peio and Maripat for café and a croissant at "El Coloniale," a nice little place on the Calle Estafeta near the Plaza del Castillo.  Mari had heard from Peio about my adventure to San Sebastian on Wednesday, and I told her more about it.  I was sorry to report that I hadn't had time to go down to sea the ocean while I was there (the return bus to Pamplona was leaving in 15 minutes!), but I can see the Atlantic anytime =D.

After café, I realized I hadn't gotten pictures of the AGN like I wanted to, so I went back to snap some real quick before heading for the train station.

With books in the auxiliary library in the Research Room at the AGN-- faculty directory picture maybe???
Second try for a picture with Peio-- he was adjusting his glasses in the first.
So my investigaciones complete (or rather, the time I had for investigaciones having more or less expired), I set out for the hotel.  I stopped on the way to pick up a few souvenirs, got back to the hotel, called a cab, and headed for the Renfe station.  In the little restaurant there, an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on (in Spanish, of course).  It's always interesting to see how they do voices in the dubs.  For instance, in episodes of The Simpsons, I feel like everyone has almost the exact same type of voice as they do in English-- it's almost like the English voice actors are doing the dubbing in Spanish.  Not so with Fresh Prince; that voice sounded NOTHING like Will Smith =D.  iCarly (kind of embarrassed to say I saw a couple of episodes the other night) was similar.  Spencer (or Espencer, as he's called in Spanish) sounded like a fifty-year-old man.

Anyway, my critique of Spanish dubbing of American TV shows being finished, I got on the train, and after we made a stop in Tudela, the movie came on: Salt in Spanish.  I think I got most of it.  I understood more than I did watching The Rebound (La Segunda Vez in Spanish) on the way to Pamplona from Madrid.

Arrived at Atocha, got a cab, and headed to the Lisboa, where I rested for a while before meeting Lu Ann downstairs.  We stepped across the street for a light dinner and I told her about my adventures.  She doesn't have Internet at her hotel in Madrid, so she hasn't seen the blog in a few days.  The last she had heard, I was planning a trip to Barásoain.  Well I told her about my visit to San Sebastian, and she also painted it positively, reminding me that it was a really pretty ride.  I told her about a lot of the stuff I found-- I think I talked a lot, not unlike what I do in this blog-- and she thinks I'll be in good shape for my colloquium/defense in two weeks.

It's been awesome, and even if I don't have a reading public of thousands of readers, it's been great to spew my thoughts at the end of each day.  I hope you readers have enjoyed reading about this trip as much as I've enjoyed being on it.  Chunks of this blog will probably be revised and included in my thesis, so if you've found this interesting, maybe I'm getting closer to having a good answer to the "So what?" question of my thesis =D.

I'll post again tomorrow when I get to Newark-- I paid for a month of Internet at the airport, so I should still be good to use it.  Only a cab, two planes, another cab, and a train stand between me and Williamsburg.  And I was reminded tonight that I'll need to get right back to work as soon as I get back-- my group is producing discussion questions for our "Africans in the Atlantic World" class, and it will be extremely helpful for me to do the reading before producing a discussion question =D.

Thanks again for reading!

¡Vuelvo a los Estados Unidos mañana!  ¡Hasta luego, España!

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