Monday, March 7, 2011

All Archives Eve (posted the next day)

PREFACE: As I was typing this last night around 2AM (I know, I'm an idiot), my Internet time ran out and I didn't feel like going down to the lobby to get a new contraseña (we have to get a new one every eight hours).  But I have one now, so I'm good for another eight hours =D.  After posting this, I'm gonna finish a paper.  I'll post about Monday's adventures later =D.


Hey everyone,

The first day in Pamplona has been great!  I went exploring around the casco antiguo (old quarter) today, just to make sure I still know where everything is.  As evidenced by some pictures I took (and may include in this post if they ever finish transferring from the camera), I can still find the archives =D.

The last time we were here, there was a lot of roadwork being done at this five-way intersection.  Getting to the Archivo Real y General de Navarra (AGN) required us to go around this circle to the right in order to go down a street that was to the left from our original position.  That roadwork was done-- the intersection looks great, but I almost second-guessed which street to take and half-thought about walking around an imaginary fence just to be sure.  But I chose wisely and in no time, I had found the Royal Archive:

I had similar success finding the Diocesan Archive, but since I couldn't really get to the actual door to the Archive (it's inside the Obispado), I took a picture of the stop sign that reminds us where to go left off of the Calle Dormitalería to get to the Obispado:

I thought I'd beat the dinner crowd to the Cafe Iruña but the place was already packed at 8.  So I had a few tapas and headed back for the Maisonnave.  As exhausted as I've been, I've had a hard time falling asleep.  Combination of jet lag and nerves, I guess.  Hopefully I'll have both of them beat tonight.

I'll let you know how Day 1 in the Archives goes =D.


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