Saturday, March 5, 2011

End of Day 1

Right back where I was when I finished my previous post-- sitting on my bed at the Lisboa.  I'm pretty exhausted so I'll keep this brief.

I made it over to the Prado after a much-needed nap.  It's still awesome =D.  Got a print of El Greco's Annunciation.  Had dinner at a little Italian place on the Calle del Prado.  I went around 8, about an hour before people usually eat dinner here, so it was pretty quiet.  But once the clock struck 9, it was hopping.  Took me a while to get my check, but that gave me some time to outline my American history paper which I hope to finish tomorrow.  Dividing my attention between early modern Spain and colonial America this week is NOT a good idea, so I'm definitely hoping to finish the thing tomorrow.

That was pretty much my day.  By the time I got out of the Prado it was already 6 (I didn't realize they were open till 10 or I might have gone later) so I didn't take in the beauty of the Retiro Park or anything like that.  Next time, Madrid, next time.

Tomorrow morning's my train ride to Pamplona, and I'm really looking forward to being in a slightly smaller big city, and one where I've spent more time and know my way around a bit better =D.

I hope everyone at home is doing awesome, especially my folks in Isle of Wight and the Wesley mission teams in Birmingham (W&M wesley) and Nashville (VT Wesley).  Wish I could be with you guys!

I'll post tomorrow when I reach Pamplona!

A presto,

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