Saturday, March 5, 2011

¡Estoy aquí!

I'm sitting in my room at the Hostal Lisboa!  The flight was fine, other than the fact that my video screen had crashed when I got to my seat and just continued to reset itself and spout random numbers (which, of course, the flight attendants could do nothing about).

But the meal was good, and more importantly I'm in Spain in one piece with all my luggage.  And yes, Mom, I have my passport too =D.

I'm gonna rest for a while and then head over to the Prado-- can never see "Las Meninas" enough =D! 
I'll write if I find that Velázquez or El Greco drew a lot of clocks.  Since I've found several poems and songs written about clocks in the seventeenth century, I don't think it's too much to hope for that they show up in the art of the period.

Buenos días, ¡Estoy en España!

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